Zika adalah penyakit virus yang menyerang manusia maupun hewan yang menyebabkan demam, sakit kepala, lemas, kemerahan pada kulit badan, punggung dan kaki, nyeri otot, nyeri sendi.dan konjungtivitis. Dari pustaka yang ada penyakit ini sudah terdeteksi di Indonesia namun secara resmi belum diumumkan oleh pemerintah.

English Version below

WHO, Pebruari 2016: Demam Zika merupakan penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk yang disebabkan oleh virus Zika, dengan gejala demam ringan, kemerahan kulit, sakit kepala, nyeri sendi, nyeri otot, lemah, kemerahan mata tanpa belobok, terjadi 3 – 4 hari setelah gigitan nyamuk. Satu dari empat orang tidak menunjukkan gejala sakit, tetapi kemudian menunjukan gejala ringan setelah dua - tujuh hari, Gejalanya mirip dengan Dengue.

Jika seorang wanita hamil terinfeksi virus Zika, maka ada kemungkinan bahwa dia bisa menularkan virus ke janinnya. Diperkirakan bahwa Zika mungkin berhubuhan atas lonjakan tiba-tiba dari microcephaly (Anak lahir cacat dengan kepala kecil) dan gangguan lain terlihat di beberapa bayi baru lahir Brasil. Namun, tidak ada bukti langsung bahwa virus Zika menyebabkan gangguan ini (Laura Geggel, 2016).


Kejadian Penyakit
Pada tahun 1977 dan 1978 pasien di rumah sakit Tegalyoso Klaten Indonesia yang sedang menderita demam akut dilakukan uji serologi terhadap infeksi alphavirus dan Flavivirus. Catatan singkat sejarah klinis diambil dan catatan tanda tanda dan gejala dilengkapi dalam pengakuan. Sera dari 30 pasien pada Fase akut dan sembuh menunjukkan bahwa penyebabnya adalah flavivirus yang diuji dengan Neutralizing antibodies yang mana flaviviurs tengah mewabah di asia tenggara. Gejala klinis umum yang timbul pada pasien adalah demam tinggi, rasa tidak enak badan, sakit perut, pusing dan tidak ada nafsu makan (Olson JG, Ksiazek TG, Suhandiman, Triwibowo, 1981).

Kasus Zika positif telah ditemukan di Indonesia, dalam penelitian diketahui bahwa virus telah beredar di negara  “dalam waktu yang singkat”. The Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology menyampaikan bahwa seorang lelaki berumur 27 tahun yang tinggal di provinsi Jambi pulau sumatera yang tidak pernah melakukan perjalanan telah dinyatakan terinfeksi. Dia mendapatkan kasus ini ketika mempelajari out break Dengue (DB /Demam Berdarah) di provinsi itu. Ketika peneliti mendapati specimen yang menunjukkan gejala penyakit dengue (DB /Demam Berdarah) yaitu adanya bintik kemerahan dan demam tetapi ketika dilakukan pengujian laboratorium hasilnya negative Dengue. Menurut deputi director Institute, Sudoyo dari 103 spesimen yang negative Dengue, kami dapatkan positif Zika. Spesimen diambil sejak terjadi wabah Dengue di Jambi Desember 2014 – Apil 2015 ( “2016).

Antara 8 dan 16 oktober 2015, National IHR Focal Points Brazil dan Colombia menotifikasi kasus infeksi Zika. Brazil: Pada bulam Mei 2015 otoritas kesehatan Brasil mengonfirmasikan penularan asli virus ZIka timur laut negara. Pada 8 oktober kasus Zika telah terdeteksi di 14 negara bagian, Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Roraima, and São Paulo. Pemerintahan pusat maupun negara bagian telah melakukan tindakan termasuk diantaranya pengembangan dan diseminasi protokol sentinel untuk surveillance, pengembangan dan validasi protokol untuk surveillance gejala syaraf, and kontrol activitas vektornya. Colombia, 16 Oktober, 9 sampel terkonfirmasi infeksi virus Zika, 98 sampel dari Bolívar department (13 dari Cartagena and 85 dari Turbaco). Itulah kasus pertama infeksi virus Zika terdeteksi di negara (WHO, 2016)

Negara yang terinfeksi virus Zika 9 bulan terakhir: Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Colombia, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe (France), Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique (France), Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin (France), Suriname, Thailand, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (US), Fiji, Maldives, New Caledonia (France), Samoa, Solomon Islands (CDC, 2016).

Hospes /Inang
Virus pertama kali diisolasi pada April tahun 1947 dari seekor monyet rhesus makaka yang ditempatkan di sebuah kandang di hutan Zika Negara Uganda, dekat danau Viktoria, oleh seorang ahli dari lembaga riset penyakit Yellow Fever. Isolasi kedua dari Nyamuk A africanus pada tempat yang sama pada Januari 1948. Ketika monyet mendapat demam, peneliti mengisolasi dari serum agen penularan yang pertama tergambarkan sebagai Zika virus pada tahun 1953. Pada tahun 1968, terisolasi pertama dari manusia di Nigeria, sejak 1951 sampai 1981, petunjuk infeksi pada manusia telah dilaporkan dari negara negara Afrka lainnya seperti Central African Republic, Egypt /Yunani, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Uganda, demikian juga sebagian Asia termasuk India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.   

Pada April 1947, Demam terjadi pada Monyet yang ditempatkan dikandang di atas pohon di balkon di hutan Zika Uganda. Monyet Rhesus 766 adalah hewan sentinel di lembaga Rockefeller Foundation’s program riset yellow fever di hutan. Dua hari kemudian Rhesus 766, tetap demam, kemudian serumnya diinokulasikan pada tikus, setelah 10 hari tikus yang telah diinokulasi dalam cerebralnya sakit dan agen penularnya dinamakan virus Zika, yang telah diisolasi dari otak tikus. Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan bahwa manusia dan monyet adalah hospes virus Zika.

1. Virus Zika ditularkan terutama melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes species yang terinfeksi. Ini adalah nyamuk yang sama dengan yang menularkan virus Dengue (Demam Berdarah /DB) dan Chikungunya: Nyamuk bertelur di dalam air pada ember, gayung, tempat minum hewan, pot bunga dan vas bunga. Mereka lebih suka menggigit orang, dan hidup di dalam maupun diluar ruangan dekat orang (Nyamuk nyamuk yang menyebarkan Chikungunya, dengue dan Zika adalah yang agresif menggigit sepanjang waktu. Mereka juga bisa menggigit pada malam hari); Nyamuk menjadi terinfeksi  ketika mereka makan darah orang yang sudah terinfeksi virus. Nyamuk yang terinfeksi ini dapat menyebarkan virus pada orang melalui gigitan.

2. Penularan jarang terjadi pada ibu ke anaknya: Seorang ibu yang telah terinfeksi virus Zika waktunya menyebarkan virus ke bayi adalah pada sekitar saat melahirkan, tetapi ini jarang terjadi; paling mungkin virus zika dapat di tularkan dari ibu selama hamil. Model penularaan ini masih dalam penelitian. Saat ini tidak ada laporan seorang anak terinfeksi saat menyusui. Mengingat mafaat dari menyusui, ibu ibu semestinya digalakkan menyusui bahkan di kawasan di mana Zika virus ditemukan.

3. Penularan melalui darah terinfeksi atau kontak seksual: Penyebaran virus melalui tranfusi darah dan kontak seksual pernah dilaporkan.

Sumber Penyakit
Darah /serum terinfeksi


Klasifikasi Agen Penyebab Penyakit
Virus Zika tergolong family Flaviviridae, genus Flafivirus. Virus Zika adalah beramplop, berbentuk ikoosahedral dan tidak bersegmen, stran tunggal,genom RNA.

Ketahanan Terhadap Tantangan Fisik Dan Kimia

1. Suhu: Virus Zika mati pada suhu diatas 60 derajat Celsius.

2. Desinfektan: Virus Zika virus mati oleh potassium permanganate, ether, tetapi tidak efektif mati dengan ethanol 10%.



Gejala klinis:
Gejala yang ditimbulkan oleh infeksi virus Zika adalah: Demam ringan (suhu antara 37.8°C and 38.5°C); nyeri sendi, sendi tangan, sendi kaki dan pembengkakan sendi; neri otot; sakit kepala, mata kemerahan /konjungtivitis; bintik  bintik kemerahan pada kulit; pada saat setelah infeksi sering terjadi kelemahan. Pada banyak gejala lain ditemukan adanya gejala sakit perut (nyeri lambung, diare, susah berak), membran mukosa terjadi ulcerasi dan pruritus.

Virus Zika menimbulkan sakit ringan, namun infeksi Zika dengan gejala bintik kemerahan kulit menimbulkan kebingungan dengan beberapa penyakit yang penting seperti Campak dan Dengue /Demam berdarah, ini adalah penyakit yang lebih serius untuk secepatnya diatasi. Diagnosa Zika berdasar pada gejala, sejarah perjalanan yang dilakukan dan dengan diagnose banding terhadap penyakit mirip yang lebih serius diantaranya adalah campak, dengue dan rubella.

Konjungtivitis (Kemerahan pada mata /radang konjungtiva mata) dan bintik bintik kemerahan pada kulit.

Diagnosa Banding
Yellow fever /Demam kuning; Dengue /Demam Berdarah (DB); West Nile; Chikungunya and Japanese encephalitis viruses.

Diagnosa Laboratorium

Serum /darah segar

Tes /Uji Serologi:
IgM, IgG dan PCR untuk pengujian terhadap virus Zika, serum darah akut (yang diambil pada saat 5 hari gejala timbul) dan serum konvalesen (2 – 3 minggu kemudian) dapat diambil. Dua sampel ini penting untuk meniadakan positip palsu dengan reaksi silang dengan virus yang mirip seperti Dengue.


Pencegahan Dengan Sanitasi
Cegah penyakit virus Zika dengan menghindari gigitan nyamuk (Cara dibawah). Nyamuk yang menyebarkan virus Zika bisa menggigit sepanjang hari. Nyamuk yang menyebarkan virus Zika juga menyebarka virus Dengue dan virus Chikungunya.

Perlindungan terhadap gigitan nyamuk:
-Gunakan AC atau kawat nyamuk untuk mencegah nyamuk masuk. Bila tidak ada proteksi terhadap nyamuk dirumah maupun di hotel tempat menginap sebaiknya tidur dengan kelambu (jaring nyamuk).
-Musnahkan diluar rumah atau dilingkungan dengan cara mengosongkan air dari wadah maupun apapun yang bisa menyimpan air seperti pot bunga, ember kaleng bekas dll.
-ketika cuaca buruk pakai baju lengan panjang dan celana panjang.
-Gunakan pemusnah nyamuk.

Pencegahan Dan Pengobatan Secara Medis
-Tidak ada Vaksin yang dapat dipakai dalam pencegahan penyakit Zika, pengobatan juga belum ada.
-Obati gejalanya: Usahakan istirahat yang cukup; minum air untuk mengatasi dehidrasi; Minum obat seperti acetaminophen untuk meringankan demam dan rasa sakit; Jangan mengunakan aspirin dan obat non steroid anti inflamasi (NSAIDs) seperti ibuprofen dan naproxen. Aspirin dan NSAIDs harus dihindari sampai Dengue dapat dikesampingkan untuk mengurangi resiko hemoragi (perdarahan). Harus dilakukan banyak pertimbangan untuk memakai obatan pada kondisi ini.
-Jika terkena penyakit Zika, hindari gigitan nyamuk untuk minggu pertama dari rasa sakit: Sejak minggu pertama infeksi virus Zika dapat ditemukan di dalam darah menular dari satu orang ke orang lain melalui gigitan nyamuk; Seekor nyamuk kemudian dapat menyebarkan virus pada orang lain.


Ari F. Syam, Dr.,  Sp.Pd. Pengamat Kesehatan, Staf Pengajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia - Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (FKUI RSCM) Twitter : @DokterAri.” Senin, 25 Januari 2016 | 11:06 WIB´. “Waspadai Virus Zika Berjangkit di Indonesia” /read/2016/01/25/110600623 /Waspadai. Virus.Zika.Berjangkit.di.Indonesia.

CDC, 2016. “Zika Virus Infection”. This website is part of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 2005 – 2016. Web: /zika_virus_infection/Pages/index.aspx

CDC, 2016. “Transmission”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). USA Gov. 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30329-4027 USA. 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636), TTY: 888-232-6348. Website:

Edward B. Hayes. 2009. “Zika Virus Outside Africa”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30329-4027 USA. 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636). Web: /eid/article/15/9/09-0442_article

Laura Geggel, 2016. “Zika Virus FAQs: Top Questions Answered”. Livescience. Web:

New Zealand Government, 2016. “Zika Virus”. Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora. New Zealand Government. 29 januari 2016. Website: “2016. Zika virus found in Indonesia: researchers”. Web: /lifestyle/health /zika-virus-found-in-indonesia-researchers/news-story/028f907a00395c6083c85f5bfbe9a2ec

Olson JG, Ksiazek TG, Suhandiman, Triwibowo. 1981. ” Zika virus, a cause of fever in Central Java, Indonesia. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA. /pubmed/6275577

WHO 2016. “Emergencies preparedness, response. Zika virus infection – Brazil and Colombia. Disease Outbreak News”. Web: /csr/don/21-october-2015-zika/en/

Wikipedia, 2016. “Zika virus”. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Website: /wiki/Zika_virus

***Penulis: drh. Giyono Trisnadi

English Version


Zika is a viral disease that infect to human also animals, and ccausing et to human and animals tah cause Indonesia Goverment ausing symptoms such as fever, rash, joint pain or conjunctivitis (red eyes). Other common symptoms include muscle pain, headache and deaths are rare. From news and literature Indonesia have intected by Zika Virus but the Government have not published.

WHO, February 2016. Zika fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by Zika virus, consisting of mild fever, rash (mostly maculo-papular), headaches, arthralgia, myalgia, asthenia, and non-purulent conjunctivitis, occurring about three to twelve days after the mosquito vector bite. One out of four people may not develop symptoms, but in those who are affected the disease is usually mild with symptoms that can last between two and seven days. Its clinical manifestation is often similar to dengue, also a mosquito-borne illness (WHO, 2016).

If a pregnant woman is infected with Zika virus, there is a chance that she could pass the virus on to her fetus. It's thought that Zika may be wholly or partially responsible for the sudden spike of microcephaly and other disorders seen in some Brazilian newborns. However, there is no direct evidence that Zika causes these disorders (Laura Geggel, 2016).


In 1977 and 1978 selected in-patients at the Tegalyoso Hospital, Klaten, Indonesia who had recent onsets of acute fever were serologically studied for evidence for alphavirus and flavivirus infections. A brief clinical history was taken and a check list of signs and symptoms was completed on admission. Acute and convalescent phase sera from 30 patients who showed evidence that a flavivirus had caused their illnesses were tested for neutralizing antibodies to several flaviviruses which occur in South-east Asia. Paired sera from seven patients demonstrated a fourfold rise in antibody titre from acute to convalescent phase. The most common clinical manifestations observed in this series of patients included high fever, malaise, stomach ache, dizziness and anorexia. None of the seven patients had headache or rash despite the fact that headache and rash had been associated with two of the three previously studied. (Olson JG, Ksiazek TG, Suhandiman, Triwibowo, 1981).

A positive case of Zika has been found in Indonesia, with researchers saying the virus has been circulating in the country “for a while”. The Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology said a 27-year-old man living in Jambi province on Sumatra island who had never travelled overseas had been found to be infected. It said it stumbled on the case while studying a dengue outbreak in the province. Researchers set aside specimens which produced dengue symptoms such as rashes and fever but which tested negative for dengue, and researched them further. “Out of the 103 (dengue-negative) specimens that we checked, we found one positive for Zika,” the institute’s deputy director, Herawati Sudoyo. The specimens were taken during a dengue outbreak in Jambi between December 2014 and April 2015. ( “2016).

Between 8 October and 16 October 2015, the National IHR Focal Points of Brazil and Colombia notified PAHO/WHO of cases of Zika virus infection. Brazil, In May 2015, the public health authorities of Brazil confirmed autochthonous transmission of Zika virus in the northeastern part of the country. As of 8 October, autochthonous cases of Zika virus had been detected in 14 states: Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Roraima, and São Paulo. Public health measures implemented by national and state authorities include the development and dissemination of sentinel protocol for Zika virus surveillance, development and validation of protocol for surveillance of neurological syndromes, and vector control activities.

Colombia, As of 16 October, 9 samples were laboratory-confirmed as Zika virus infections out of 98 samples from the Bolívar department (13 from Cartagena and 85 from Turbaco). These are the first cases of Zika virus infection detected in the country.

Country affected Zika in  the past 9 months: Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Colombia, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe (France), Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique (France), Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin (France), Suriname, Thailand, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (US), Fiji, Maldives, New Caledonia (France), Samoa, Solomon Islands (CDC, 2016).

The virus was first isolated in April 1947 from a rhesus macaque monkey that had been placed in a cage in the Zika Forest of Uganda, near Lake Victoria, by the scientists of the Yellow Fever Research Institute. A second isolation from the mosquito A. africanus followed at the same site in January 1948. When the monkey developed a fever, researchers isolated from its serum a transmissible agent that was first described as Zika virus in 1952. In 1968, it was isolated for the first time from humans in Nigeria. From 1951 through 1981, evidence of human infection was reported from other African countries such as the Central African Republic, Egypt, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Uganda, as well as in parts of Asia including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

On April 18, 1947, fever developed in a rhesus monkey that had been placed in a cage on a tree platform in the Zika Forest of Uganda (3). The monkey, Rhesus 766, was a sentinel animal in the Rockefeller Foundation’s program for research on jungle yellow fever. Two days later, Rhesus 766, still febrile, was brought to the Foundation’s laboratory at Entebbe and its serum was inoculated into mice. After 10 days all mice that were inoculated intracerebrally were sick, and a filterable transmissible agent, later named Zika virus, was isolated from the mouse brains. Therefore it can be said that is Human and monkey are hosts of zika virus.

1. Zika virus is transmitted to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. These are the same mosquitoes that spread dengue and chikungunya viruses: These mosquitoes typically lay eggs in and near standing water in things like buckets, bowls, animal dishes, flower pots and vases.  They prefer to bite people, and live indoors and outdoors near people (Mosquitoes that spread chikungunya, dengue, and Zika are aggressive daytime biters. They can also bite at night); Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on a person already infected with the virus. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other people through bites.

2. Rarely, from mother to child: A mother already infected with Zika virus near the time of delivery can pass on the virus to her newborn around the time of birth, but this is rare; It is possible that Zika virus could be passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy. This mode of transmission is being investigated; To date, there are no reports of infants getting Zika virus through breastfeeding. Because of the benefits of breastfeeding, mothers are encouraged to breastfeed even in areas where Zika virus is found.

3. Through infected blood or sexual contact: Spread of the virus through blood transfusion and sexual contact have been reported.

Sources of agent
Infected blood /serum


Classification Of The Causative Agent
Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae and the genus Flavivirus, Zika virus is enveloped and icosahedral and has a nonsegmented, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome.

Resistance To Physical And Chemical Action

1. Temperature: Zika virus is killed by temperatures >60°C.

2. Disinfectants: Zika virus is killed by potassium permanganate, ether, but it is not effectively neutralized with 10% ethanol.



Clinical signs:
Symptoms of Zika virus infection: low-grade fever (between 37.8°C and 38.5°C);             arthralgia, notably of small joints of hands and feet, with possible swollen joints; myalgia; headache, retro-ocular headaches; conjunctivitis; cutaneous maculopapular rash;         post-infection asthenia which seems to be frequent; More rarely observed symptoms include digestive problems (abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation), mucous membrane ulcerations (aphthae), and pruritus.

Zika virus infection causes a mild disease (with the possible exception in pregnant women, as discussed below) and, other than notification, no particular action is required.  However, as Zika infection may cause a rash that could be confused with more serious diseases such as measles or dengue, these more serious diseases do need to be ruled out. Diagnosis of Zika will first and foremost be by exclusion, based on symptoms, travel history and exclusion of more serious diseases including measles, rubella and dengue.

Conjunctivitis; cutaneous maculopapular rash.

Differential Diagnosis
Yellow fever; Dengue; West Nile; Chikungunya and Japanese encephalitis viruses.

Laboratory Diagnosis

Serum atau darah segar.

Serological Tests:
IgM, IgG and PCR for Zika virus, acute serum (taken within 5 days of symptom onset) and convalescent serum (2–3 weeks later) should be taken. The two samples are important to rule out false positive tests due to cross reactivity with similar viruses such as Dengue.


Sanitary Prophylaxis
Prevent Zika by avoiding mosquito bites (see below). Mosquitoes that spread Zika virus bite mostly during the daytime. Mosquitoes that spread Zika virus also spread dengue and chikungunya viruses.

Protect from Mosquito Bites:
-Use air conditioning or window/door screens to keep mosquitoes outside. If you are not able to protect yourself from mosquitoes inside your home or hotel, sleep under a mosquito bed net.
-Help reduce the number of mosquitoes outside your home or hotel room by emptying standing water from containers such as flowerpots or buckets.
-When weather permits, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
-Use insect repellents.

Medical Prophylaxis
-No vaccine or medications are available to prevent or treat Zika infections.
-Treat the symptoms: Get plenty of rest; Drink fluids to prevent dehydration; Take medicine such as acetaminophen to relieve fever and pain; Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen and naproxen. Aspirin and NSAIDs should be avoided until dengue can be ruled out to reduce the risk of hemorrhage (bleeding). If you are taking medicine for another medical condition, talk to your healthcare provider before taking additional medication.
-If you have Zika, prevent mosquito bites for the first week of your illness: During the first week of infection, Zika virus can be found in the blood and passed from an infected person to another mosquito through mosquito bites; An infected mosquito can then spread the virus to other people.
