Avian Infectious bronchitis atau biasa disingkat Infectious bronchitis atau Infeksius
bronkitis (IB) adalah penyakit virus pada ayam yang bersifat akut, yang dengan
cepat bisa menyebar, biasanya ditandai dengan gejala gejala pernapasan,
penurunan produksi telur dan kualitas telur yang buruk kadang-kadang terlihat
pada peternakan ayam indukan dan petelur. Beberapa strain virus penyebab
infeksi bronkitis virus (IBV), adalah nephropathogenic. Strain yang terakhir
menyebabkan nefritis interstitial yang mengakibatkan kematian yang signifikan.
Infectious bronchitis adalah penyakit virus menular akut ayam dari segala usia.
Penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang parah pada sektor industri
peternakan ayam broiler, ayam indukan dan ayam petelur.
Penyakit Infectious bronchitis (IB) adalah penyakit
pernapasan akut dan sangat menular pada ayam. Penyakit ini ditandai oleh
tanda-tanda pernapasan termasuk terengah-engah, batuk, bersin, pilek trakea,
dan cairan hidung. Pada ayam muda, gangguan pernapasan parah dapat terjadi. Pada
ayam petelur (layer), terjadi gangguan pernapasan, penurunan produksi telur,
dan penurunan kualitas telur internal dan kualitas kulit dan bentuk telur.
Beberapa strain virus menyebabkan kerusakan ginjal yang parah dan dapat dihubungkan
dengan kematian yang tinggi.
IBV, adalah coronavirus, tersebar seluruh dunia dan
memiliki banyak serotipe. Dua atau lebih serotipe dapat dilihat secara
bersamaan dalam satu wilayah geografis. Penyakit ini, barangkali penyakit
pernapasan yang paling umum pada ayam, pertama kali terjadi di Amerika Serikat
(North Dakota, 1931). Penyakit ini bervariasi dipengaruhi oleh: virulensi virus,
usia burung, vaksinasi sebelumnya; imunitas maternal (burung muda), dan
komplikasi infeksi (Mycoplasma, E. coli, penyakit Newcastle). Menurut Garry,
2013. Penyakit ini pertama kali dijelaskan pada tahun 1931 di kawanan ayam muda
di Amerika Serikat. Sejak saat itu, penyakit ini telah diidentifikasi pada
broiler, layer dan ayam breeder di seluruh dunia. Vaksin untuk membantu
mengurangi kerugian pada ayam pertama kali digunakan pada tahun 1950.
Kejadian Penyakit
Kejadian terakhir di dunia: Barbados Juni 2012, Belize Juni
2007, Bosnia dan Herzegovina 1991, Kamerun Desember 2012, Chinese Taipei Mei
2007, Kuba 1990, Siprus 2004, Republik Ceko tahun 2004, Mesir tahun 1994, El
Salvador 1996, Eritrea 2006, Yunani 2002, Hongaria Desember 2012, Islandia
tahun 1998, Kiribati Juni 2012, Kuwait Desember 2012, Libya 2009, Malaysia Nopember
2012, Malta Desember 2008, Serbia Desember 2007, Singapura 1991, Slovenia Juni
2009, Sri Lanka 2001, Tunisia 1998, Ukraina Maret 2003, Venezuela 2004, Zambia Desember
Kejadian Penyakit Infeksius Bronkitis (IB) terakhir di
dunia, dengan gejala penyakit klinis: Argentina Januari-Juni tahun 2013,
Australia Januari-Juni 2013 Brasil Juli-Desember 2012, Burundi Juli-Desember
2010, Kanada Januari-Juni 2013, Chili Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Kolombia Jan -
Jun 2013, Cote D' Ivoire Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Ekuador Januari-Juni tahun
2013, Finlandia Januari-Juni 2013 Mantan Yug . Rep Makedonia Januari-Juni tahun
2013, Guatemala Juli-Desember 2012, Iran Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Irak
Januari-Juni 2013, Irlandia Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Israel Januari-Juni tahun
2013, Jepang Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Jordan Juli-Desember 2012, Korea (Rep)
Juli-Desember 2012, Myanmar Juli-Desember 2012, Belanda Januari-Juni 2013,
Selandia Baru Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Pakistan Juli-Desember 2012, Portugal
Juli-Desember 2012, Rwanda Juli-Desember 2012, Sao Tome dan Principe
Juli-Desember 2012, Arab Saudi Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Thailand Januari-Juni
tahun 2013, United Kingdom Januari-Juni tahun 2013, Amerika Serikat
Januari-Juni 2013, Uruguay Januari-Juni 2013, Zimbabwe Juli-Desember 2012, China
(Rep Rakyat) Juli-Desember 2012, Rep of the Kongo Juli-Desember 2012, Republik
Dominika Januari-Juni 2013, Spanyol Januari-Juni 2013. Di Dunia teridentifikasi
penyakit Infeksius Bronkitis terbatas pada zona tertentu (s) /wilayah (s) dari
negara Palestina Auton-Territories Juli-Desember 2012, Swedia Januari-Juni
2013. (oie).
adalah satu-satunya spesies yang diketahui secara alami rentan terhadap IBV.
Kerentanan terhadap virus bervariasi menurut jenis dan usia. Ayam muda terdampak
terparah terinfeksi bentuk pernapasan. sedangkan unggas yang lebih tua
terdampak lesi pada alat reproduksi dan penurunan produksi telur. Meskipun
segala usia ayam yang rentan, seperti unggas dewasa, mereka menjadi lebih tahan
terhadap efek ini. Faktor lingkungan dan adanya infeksi bersamaan sering
memainkan peran penting dalam menimbulkan tingkat keparahan gejala klinis. IBV
tampaknya tidak menimbulkan ancaman bagi kesehatan manusia.
Coronaviruses lain terkait juga dapat menginfeksi burung (permainan) dan
kalkun. Misalnya, pada ayam pegar (burung pheasant) kerusakan ginjal dan
masalah pernapasan dapat diamati. Pada kalkun virus dapat menjadi penyebab
masalah – masalah di usus.
ini dapat menyebar melalui udara dan dapat "melompat" dalam jarak
yang cukup selama outbreak /wabah aktif. Penyebaran dapat dengan cara mekanis,
seperti melalui pakaian, kotak dan peralatan unggas. Penyakit ini tidak menular
melalui telur.
IB menyebar melalui rute pernapasan melalui ingus yang dikeluarkan saat batuk
atau bersin oleh ayam yang terinfeksi. Penyebaran penyakit melalui kawanan sangat
cepat. Penularan dari peternakan ke peternakan terkait dari pergerakan orang
yang terkontaminasi, peralatan, dan kendaraan. Mengikuti infeksi, ayam mungkin
tetap karier dan Mengeluarkan virus selama beberapa minggu. Penularan dari
telur tidak terjadi pada kejadian penyakit virus ini.
yang buruk dan kepadatan tinggi merupakan faktor predisposisi .
terinfeksi dan unggas karier. Unggas terinfeksi atau unggas karier adalah
sumber utama virus di lingkungan. Peralatan dan material (bahan) yang
terkontaminasi merupakan sumber potensial untuk penularan tidak langsung jarak
Agen Penyebab Penyakit
Avian infectious bronchitis, Kelompok /Group: Group IV ((+)ssRNA), Ordo:
Nidovirales, Famillia: Coronaviridae, Genus: Gammacoronavirus,
Species: Avian infectious bronchitis virus.
Terhadap Tantangan Fisik Dan Kimia
1. Suhu: Virus infeksius bronkitis mudah dihancurkan oleh panas (56 ° C selama 15 menit),
1. Suhu: Virus infeksius bronkitis mudah dihancurkan oleh panas (56 ° C selama 15 menit),
2. pH:
sensitif pada suasana basa.
3. Kimia:
peka terhadap pelarut.
4. Desinfektan:
Virus infeksius bronkitis mudah dihancurkan oleh disinfektan biasa (misal: Formaldehida
1% selama 3 menit).
5. Ketahanan
hidup: virus Infeksius bronkitis akan bertahan barangkali selama tidak lebih
dari satu minggu di kandang ketika kandang kosong (unggas tidak ada). Virus, ada
yang barangkali dapat bertahan 4 minggu di bangunan dan halaman.
waktu inkubasi untuk IBV bervariasi 18-36 jam. Morbiditas adalah 100%, namun
angka kematian sangat bervariasi tergantung pada virulensi dari strain, umur hospes,
status imun /kekebalan, adanya stres fisiologis dan infeksi bersamaan. Kematian
biasanya kurang dari 5%, namun infeksi sekunder dengan Eschericia coli dan
Mycoplasma secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan angka kematian.
klinis dari infeksi bervariasi dan tergantung pada usia burung, status
kekebalan tubuh inang, dan virulensi virus.
nafsu makan, depresi, berkerumun, batuk, terengah-engah, dyspnoea, alas kandang
basah, diare, diuresis.
klinis anak ayam:
klinis termasuk batuk, bersin, ngorok, ingus hidung, dan eksudat berbusa di
mata. Anak ayam yang terkena dampak tampil murung dan akan cenderung meringkuk
di dekat sumber panas. Pada kawanan yang terkena dampak, semua burung biasanya
akan menunjukkan gejala klinis dalam waktu 36 sampai 48 jam. Penyakit klinis
biasanya berlangsung selama 7 hari. Kematian biasanya sangat rendah, kecuali adanya
komplikasi dengan faktor lain seperti M. gallisepticum, imunosupresi, kualitas
udara yang buruk, dll.
Gejala Klinis ayam dewasa:
Tanda-tanda klinis batuk, bersin dan ngorok dapat
diamati. Penurunan produksi telur dari 5 sampai 10 % yang berlangsung selama 10
sampai 14 hari. Namun, jika ada faktor komplikasi, penurunan produksi mungkin mencapai
sebesar 50 %. Telur yang dihasilkan setelah unggas terinfeksi mungkin memiliki
kulit tipis, bentuk tidak teratur, kecil, albumen encer. Biasanya pigmen
cokelat - kulit telur juga hilang. Dalam kasus komplikasi yang parah, ayam
dapat terkena airsacculitis. Ayam yang divaksinasi dan bereaksi parah karena
vaksinasi atau terinfeksi selama dua minggu pertama mungkin memiliki kerusakan
permanen di oviduct, sehingga menghasilkan ayam dengan produksi telur yang
buruk. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, strain nephropathogenic telah menjadi
lebih umum pada unggas petelur. Strain ini dapat menyebabkan kematian tinggi
selama infeksi atau lama setelah terjadi kerusakan ginjal yang berkembang
menjadi urolitiasis.
terkait dengan IB termasuk peradangan ringan sampai sedang pada saluran pernapasan
bagian atas. Jika ada faktor komplikasi, airsacculitis dan peningkatan
mortalitas dapat dicatat, terutama pada ayam muda. Kerusakan ginjal mungkin berhubungan
dengan infeksi strain nephropathogenic. Ginjal ayam yang terkena akan pucat dan
bengkak. Timbunan urat dapat diamati dalam jaringan ginjal dan dalam ureter,
yang mungkin tersumbat. Ayam petelur mungkin memiliki materi kuning telur di
dalam rongga tubuh dan kuning telur yang berkembang di ovarium mungkin lembek.
Infeksi IB pada ayam yang sangat muda dapat mengakibatkan kista oviduct.
post mortem:
peradangan ringan sampai sedang pada saluran pernapasan. Trakea edema, tracheitis,
airsacculitis. Terlihat eksudat cair di bronkus. Ginjal dan bronkus dapat
membengkak, terlihat urat di ureter.
- Avian Influenza
- Infectious Coryza
- Infectious Laryngotracheitis
- Newcastle Disease
Tanda-tanda klinis penyakit Avian Infeksious Bronchitis (IB) dapat menyerupai
penyakit pernapasan akut lainnya pada ayam, seperti penyakit Newcastle Disease
(ND), Infeksius Laringotrakeitis (ILT), flu burung /Avian Infuenza (HPAI) dan infeksius
coryza /Snot. Pengujian laboratorium diperlukan untuk membedakan infeksi ini.
Pada penyakit IB, cairan allantoic dari embrio terinokulasi tidak menghemagglutinasi
eritrosit. Untuk virus penyakit Newcastle Disease (ND), dan virus flu burung
/Avian Influenza (HPAI), cairan allantoic dari embrio terinokulasi akan positif
untuk hemaglutinasi.
tidak dapat didasarkan pada gejala gejala klinis karena kemiripan dengan bentuk
pernapasan ringan dari gejala penyakit pernapasan lain seperti penyakit
Newcastle disease, Flu burung, Laringotrakeitis, Mycoplasma (CRD), dan infeksius
Coryza /Snot.
diagnosis didasarkan pada isolasi virus, sering dibantu oleh serologi. Penggunaan
ekstensif dari vaksinasi vaksin live dan inaktif, dapat mempersulit diagnosa
dengan metode serologis seperti diketahui antibodi vaksinasi dan infeksi
lapangan tidak selalu dapat dibedakan. Persistensi vaksin hidup juga dapat
membingungkan upaya pemulihan dan /atau mengidentifikasi strain lapangan
penyebab IBV.
diagnostik harus dikumpulkan segera setelah gejala klinis teramati. Swab trakea
harus dikumpulkan dari 5-10 ekor unggas per kawanan terserang. Selain itu,
sampel serum berpasangan harus dikumpulkan (paired serum). Sampel jaringan
segar harus diambil dari paru-paru, ginjal, oviduct, dan cecal tonsil secara
laboratorium, swab tube broth atau tissue homogenates digunakan untuk menginokulasi
telur berembrio berumur 9 sampai 11 hari. Setelah beberapa hari, cairan
chorioallantoic dipanen dan dapat menghasilkan reaksi negatif hemaglutinasi dengan
sel darah merah ayam. Bila embrio positip IBV, embrio menjadi Curling /keriting,
kerdil dan mati. Konfirmasi terhadap IBV, dan serotipe, dapat dilakukan dengan
berbagai metode deteksi antibodi termasuk: virus netralisasi (VN), uji antibodi
immunoflourescent /immunoflourescent antibody assay (IFA), antigen-capture
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (AC-ELISA), dan antibodi monoklonal. Namun,
hanya tes VN dan beberapa antibodi monoklonal dapat membedakan antara serotipe
yang berbeda. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), diikuti
oleh restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), dan /atau gen S1
sequencing biasanya digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe IBV. Uji antibodi
immunoflourescent /immunoflourescent antibody assay (IFA) atau mikroskop
elektron dapat digunakan pada sampel trakea untuk diagnosa cepat (rapid
diagnosis) tetapi uji-uji ini tidak membedakan diantara perbedaan tipe IBV.
Agen Penyakit:
bentuk pernapasan umum, IBV paling berhasil diisolasi dari mukosa trakea dan
paru-paru beberapa hari sampai satu minggu setelah infeksi. Untuk bentuk lain
dari IB, ginjal, oviduct, sekal tonsil dari saluran usus atau jaringan
proventriculus adalah sumber virus yang lebih baik tergantung pada patogenesis
penyakit. Telur
ayam berembrio Spf (specific pathogen free) atau kultur organ trakea ayam /chicken
tracheal organ cultures (TOCs) dari
embrio dapat digunakan untuk isolasi virus.
inokulasi rongga allantoic, IBV menghasilkan embrio kerdil, curling /keriting, mati,
atau timbunan urat dalam mesonefros ginjal. Isolasi di TOC memiliki keuntungan
bahwa IBV menghasilkan stasis dari silia trakea pada inokulasi awal. RT - PCR
semakin banyak digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi spike (S) genotip glikoprotein
IBV strain lapangan. Genotip menggunakan primer spesifik untuk S1 subunit gen S
atau squencing gen yang sama umumnya menyediakan temuan serupa tetapi tidak
selalu identik dengan HI atau serotipe VN. Alternatif, Uji VN atau Uji HI
menggunakan antiserum spesifik barangkali digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi
serotipe ( oie)
kit komersial dapat digunakan untuk pemantauan respon antibodi serum. Antigen
yang digunakan dalam kit secara luas cross-reaktif antara serotipe dan
memungkinkan untuk pemantauan serologis umum respon vaccinanasi dan uji /tantangan
lapangan. Uji HI digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi respon serotipe-spesifik
untuk vaksinasi dan uji lapangan terutama pada ayam muda. Karena multiple
infeksi dan vaksinasi, serum induk dan layer /ayam petelur mengandung antibodi
cross-reaktif dan hasil dari pengujian HI tidak dapat digunakan dengan tingkat
kepercayaan yang tinggi (oie).
Dengan Sanitasi
dan pengendalian di lapangan adalah sulit menggunakan langkah-langkah sanitasi
umum dan biosekuriti umum karena IBV sangat menular. Kebersihan yang baik dan praktek
desinfeksi, selama periode kandang kosong, dapat membantu mencegah masalah
infeksi berulang di peternakan. Peternakan komplek dengan beberapa umur,
merupakan sumber infeksi. Dalam tipe kandang ini, sangat umum terjadi penurunan
produksi telur akibat penyakit kronis.
Pengobatan Dan Pencegahan Secara Medis
ada obat yang tersedia dapat mengubah perjalanan penyakit, meskipun terapi
antibiotik dapat mengurangi kematian akibat infeksi sekunder. Pemberian Sodium
salisilat 1gm/litre (fase akut) jika diizinkan dan antibiotik untuk mengontrol
colibacillosis /infeksi sekunder. Selama cuaca dingin, meningkatkan suhu di kandang
bila di bawah suhu 5-10 ° F (3-5 ° C) dapat menurunkan angka kematian.
dilemahkan /Attenuated vaccines yang digunakan untuk imunisasi dapat
menghasilkan gejala pernapasan ringan. Vaksin hidup pada awalnya diberikan
kepada anak ayam umur 1-14 hari dengan cara spray, air minum, atau tetes mata.
Vaksinasi umumnya diulang. Vaksin Live atau vaksin adjuvanted killed kadang-kadang
digunakan untuk indukan ayam dan layer /ayam petelur untuk mencegah penurunan
produksi telur.
serotipe diakui, dan sejumlah serotipe baru atau varian telah dilaporkan, yang
menimbulkan masalah dalam imunisasi dan diagnosis. Jika memungkinkan, pemilihan
vaksin harus didasarkan pada pengetahuan tentang serotipe(s) setempat. Yang
paling umum digunakan vaksin hidup di Amerika Serikat mengandung strain IBV
serotipe Massachusetts, Connecticut, dan Arkansas. Vaksinasi dengan serotipe
varian yang dipilih dipraktekkan di beberapa daerah. Wabah dengan kematian
akibat nefritis telah dikaitkan dengan beberapa strain varian di Australia dan
Amerika Serikat. Infeksi dengan ukuran seperti serotipe varian telah dikaitkan
dengan penurunan produksi telur pada kawanan layer yang divaksinasi.
*** Penulis: drh. Giyono Trisnadi - dari berbagai sumber
English Version
bronchitis is an acute, rapidly spreading, viral disease of chickens usually
characterized by respiratory signs, although decreased egg production and poor
egg quality is sometimes observed in breeders and layers. Some strains of the
causative virus, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), are nephropathogenic. The
latter strains produce interstitial nephritis resulting in significant
mortality. Infectious bronchitis is of major economic importance to commercial
chicken producers worldwide. Infectious bronchitis is an acute, contagious
viral disease of chickens of all ages. It can cause severe economic losses to
the broiler, breeder and egg layer sectors of the poultry industry.
bronchitis (IB) is an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease of
chickens. The disease is characterized by respiratory signs including gasping,
coughing, sneezing, tracheal râttles, and nasal discharge. In young chickens,
severe respiratory distress may occur. In layers, respiratory distress,
decrease in egg production, and loss of internal egg quality and egg shell
quality are reported. Some strains of the virus cause severe kidney damage and
may be associated with high mortality. IBV, a coronavirus, is worldwide in
distribution and has numerous serotypes. Two or more serotypes may be seen
simultaneously in one geographic region.
This infection, probably the commonest respiratory disease of chickens, was first described in the USA (North Dakota, 1931). Its affects vary with: the virulence of the virus; the age of the bird; prior vaccination; maternal immunity (young birds); and complicating infections (Mycoplasma, E. coli, Newcastle disease). Acording Garry 2013, The disease was first described in 1931 in a flock of young chickens in the USA. Since that time, the disease has been identified in broilers, layers and breeder chickens throughout the world. Vaccines to help reduce losses in chickens were first used in the 1950s.
Last occurrence in the world: Barbados 06/2012, Belize 06/2007, Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991, Cameroon 12/2012, Chinese Taipei 05/2007, Cuba 1990, Cyprus 2004, Czech Republic 2004, Egypt 1994, El Salvador 1996, Eritrea 2006, Greece 2002, Hungary 12/2012, Iceland 1998, Kiribati 06/2012, Kuwait 12/2012, Libya 2009, Malaysia 11/2012, Malta 12/2008, Serbia 12/2007, Singapore 1991, Slovenia 06/2009, Sri Lanka 2001, Tunisia 1998, Ukraine 03/2003, Venezuela 2004, Zambia 12/2010.
Last occurance in the world by IB Demonstrated clinical disease: Argentina Jan - Jun 2013, Australia Jan - Jun 2013, Brazil Jul – Dec 2012, Burundi Jul - Dec 2010, Canada Jan - Jun 2013, Chile Jan - Jun 2013, Colombia Jan - Jun 2013, Cote D'Ivoire Jan - Jun 2013, Ecuador Jan – Jun 2013, Finland Jan - Jun 2013, Former Yug. Rep. of Macedonia Jan - Jun 2013, Guatemala Jul - Dec 2012, Iran Jan - Jun 2013, Iraq Jan - Jun 2013, Ireland Jan - Jun 2013, Israel Jan - Jun 2013, Japan Jan - Jun 2013, Jordan Jul - Dec 2012, Korea (Rep. of) Jul - Dec 2012, Myanmar Jul - Dec 2012, Netherlands Jan - Jun 2013, New Zealand Jan - Jun 2013, Pakistan Jul - Dec 2012, Portugal Jul - Dec 2012, Rwanda Jul - Dec 2012, Sao Tome and Principe Jul - Dec 2012, Saudi Arabia Jan - Jun 2013, Thailand Jan - Jun 2013, United Kingdom Jan - Jun 2013, United States of America Jan - Jun 2013, Uruguay Jan - Jun 2013, Zimbabwe Jul - Dec 2012, China (People's Rep. of) Jul - Dec 2012, Congo (Rep. of the) Jul - Dec 2012, Dominican Republic Jan - Jun 2013, Spain Jan - Jun 2013. Occurance of Infectious Bronchitis in the world. Disease restricted to certain zone(s) / region(s) of the country Palestinian Auton. Territories Jul - Dec 2012, Sweden Jan - Jun 2013. (oie)
The chicken is the only species known to be naturally susceptible to IBV. Susceptibility to the virus varies by breed and age. Young chicks develop the most severe respiratory forms of the infection, whereas older birds are most susceptible to reproductive lesions and drops in egg production. Although all ages of chickens are susceptible, as birds mature, they become more resistant to these effects. Environmental factors and the presence of concurrent infections often play a significant role in the severity of clinical signs. IBV does not appear to pose a threat to human health.
This infection, probably the commonest respiratory disease of chickens, was first described in the USA (North Dakota, 1931). Its affects vary with: the virulence of the virus; the age of the bird; prior vaccination; maternal immunity (young birds); and complicating infections (Mycoplasma, E. coli, Newcastle disease). Acording Garry 2013, The disease was first described in 1931 in a flock of young chickens in the USA. Since that time, the disease has been identified in broilers, layers and breeder chickens throughout the world. Vaccines to help reduce losses in chickens were first used in the 1950s.
Last occurrence in the world: Barbados 06/2012, Belize 06/2007, Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991, Cameroon 12/2012, Chinese Taipei 05/2007, Cuba 1990, Cyprus 2004, Czech Republic 2004, Egypt 1994, El Salvador 1996, Eritrea 2006, Greece 2002, Hungary 12/2012, Iceland 1998, Kiribati 06/2012, Kuwait 12/2012, Libya 2009, Malaysia 11/2012, Malta 12/2008, Serbia 12/2007, Singapore 1991, Slovenia 06/2009, Sri Lanka 2001, Tunisia 1998, Ukraine 03/2003, Venezuela 2004, Zambia 12/2010.
Last occurance in the world by IB Demonstrated clinical disease: Argentina Jan - Jun 2013, Australia Jan - Jun 2013, Brazil Jul – Dec 2012, Burundi Jul - Dec 2010, Canada Jan - Jun 2013, Chile Jan - Jun 2013, Colombia Jan - Jun 2013, Cote D'Ivoire Jan - Jun 2013, Ecuador Jan – Jun 2013, Finland Jan - Jun 2013, Former Yug. Rep. of Macedonia Jan - Jun 2013, Guatemala Jul - Dec 2012, Iran Jan - Jun 2013, Iraq Jan - Jun 2013, Ireland Jan - Jun 2013, Israel Jan - Jun 2013, Japan Jan - Jun 2013, Jordan Jul - Dec 2012, Korea (Rep. of) Jul - Dec 2012, Myanmar Jul - Dec 2012, Netherlands Jan - Jun 2013, New Zealand Jan - Jun 2013, Pakistan Jul - Dec 2012, Portugal Jul - Dec 2012, Rwanda Jul - Dec 2012, Sao Tome and Principe Jul - Dec 2012, Saudi Arabia Jan - Jun 2013, Thailand Jan - Jun 2013, United Kingdom Jan - Jun 2013, United States of America Jan - Jun 2013, Uruguay Jan - Jun 2013, Zimbabwe Jul - Dec 2012, China (People's Rep. of) Jul - Dec 2012, Congo (Rep. of the) Jul - Dec 2012, Dominican Republic Jan - Jun 2013, Spain Jan - Jun 2013. Occurance of Infectious Bronchitis in the world. Disease restricted to certain zone(s) / region(s) of the country Palestinian Auton. Territories Jul - Dec 2012, Sweden Jan - Jun 2013. (oie)
The chicken is the only species known to be naturally susceptible to IBV. Susceptibility to the virus varies by breed and age. Young chicks develop the most severe respiratory forms of the infection, whereas older birds are most susceptible to reproductive lesions and drops in egg production. Although all ages of chickens are susceptible, as birds mature, they become more resistant to these effects. Environmental factors and the presence of concurrent infections often play a significant role in the severity of clinical signs. IBV does not appear to pose a threat to human health.
Other closely related avian coronaviruses can also infect game birds and turkeys. For example, in pheasants kidney damage and respiratory problems may be observed. In turkeys the virus can be a cause of intestinal problems.
The disease can spread through the air and can "jump" considerable distances during an active outbreak. It can also be spread by mechanical means such as on clothing, poultry crates and equipment. The disease is not egg transmitted.
IB virus is spread by the respiratory route in droplets expelled during coughing or sneezing by infected chickens. Spread of the disease through a flock is very rapid. Transmission from farm to farm is related to movement of contaminated people, equipment, and vehicles. Following infection, chickens may remain carriers and shed the virus for several weeks. Egg transmission of the virus does not occur.
Poor ventilation and high density are predisposing factors.
Sources of agent
Infected bird. Carier bird. Infected or carrier chicks are the major source of virus in the environment. Contaminated equipment and material are a potential source for indirect transmission over large distances.
Classification Of The Causative Agent
Avian infectious bronchitis virus, Virus classification: Group: Group IV ((+)ssRNA), Order: Nidovirales, Family: Coronaviridae, Genus: Gammacoronavirus, Species: Avian infectious bronchitis virus.
Resistance To Physical And Chemical Action
1. Temperature: It is easily destroyed by heat ((56°C for 15 mins).
2. pH: sensitive
by alkalis
3. Chemical:
sensitive to solvent.
4. Disinfectants:
It is easily destroyed by ordinary disinfectants (Formal 1% for 3 mins).
5. Survival:
the virus will survive for probably no more than one week in the house when
poultry are not present. The virus, which may survive 4 weeks in premises.
incubation time for the IBV varies from 18-36 hours. Morbidity is 100%, however
mortality varies greatly depending on the virulence of the strain, host age,
immune status, and the presence of physiologic stress and concurrent
infections. Mortality is usually less than 5%, however secondary infections
with Eschericia coli and Mycoplasma can significantly increase the mortality
The clinical signs of the infection vary and depend on the age of the bird, host immune status, and virulence of the virus.
The clinical signs of the infection vary and depend on the age of the bird, host immune status, and virulence of the virus.
Common Signs:
Depression, huddling,o loss of appetite, coughing, gasping, dyspnoea. Wet litter, diarrhoea, diuresis.
Clinical Signs – Chicks:
Clinical signs include coughing, sneezing, râles, nasal discharge, and frothy exudate in the eyes. Affected chicks appear depressed and will tend to huddle near a heat source. In an affected flock, all birds will typically develop clinical signs within 36 to 48 hours. Clinical disease will normally last for 7 days. Mortality is usually very low, unless complicated by other factors such as M. gallisepticum, immunosuppression, poor air quality, etc.
Clinical Signs – Chickens:
Clinical signs of coughing, sneezing and râles may be observed. A drop in egg production of 5 to 10% lasting for 10 to 14 days is commonly reported. However, if complicating factors are present, production drops may be as high as 50%. Eggs produced following infection may have thin shells, irregular shells, and thin, watery albumen. Loss of pigment in brown-shelled eggs is common. In severe complicated cases, chickens may develop airsacculitis. Chickens that experienced a severe vaccination reaction following chick vaccination or field infection during the first two weeks of life may have permanent damage in the oviduct, resulting in hens with poor production. In recent years, nephropathogenic stains have become more common in laying flocks. These strains may cause an elevated mortality during the infection or long after as a result of kidney damage that progresses to urolithiasis.
Lesions associated with IB include a mild to moderate inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. If complicating factors are present, airsacculitis and increased mortality may be noted, especially in younger chickens. Kidney damage may be significant following infection with nephropathogenic strains. Kidneys of affected chickens will be pale and swollen. Urate deposits may be observed in the kidney tissue and in the ureters, which may be occluded. Laying chickens may have yolk material in the body cavity and developing yolks in the ovary may be flaccid. Infection of very young chicks may result in the development of cystic oviducts.
Post-mortem lesions:
to moderate respiratory tract inflammation. Tracheal oedema, tracheitis, airsacculitis,
caseous exudate plugs in bronchi. Kidneys and bronchi may be swollen and they
and the ureters may have urates.
Diffeential Diagnosis
Diffeential Diagnosis
- Avian Influenza
- Infectious Coryza
- Infectious Laryngotracheitis
- Newcastle Disease
The clinical signs of IB may resemble other acute respiratory diseases in
chickens, such as Newcastle disease, laryngotracheitis, avian influenza and
infectious coryza. Laboratory testing is necessary to differentiate these
infections. In IB, allantoic fluid from inoculated embryos does not
hemagglutinate erythrocytes. For Newcastle disease virus, and avian influenza
virus, allantoic fluid from inoculated embryos will be positive for
Laboratory Diagnosis
Diagnosis cannot be based on clinical signs because of similarities to mild respiratory forms of other respiratory agents such as Newcastle disease, avian metapneumovirus, laryngotracheitis, mycoplasma, and infectious coryza.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Diagnosis cannot be based on clinical signs because of similarities to mild respiratory forms of other respiratory agents such as Newcastle disease, avian metapneumovirus, laryngotracheitis, mycoplasma, and infectious coryza.
of diagnosis is based on virus isolation, often assisted by serology. Extensive
use is made of live and inactivated vaccinations, which may complicate
diagnosis by serological methods as antibodies to vaccination and field
infections can not always be distinguished. Persistence of live vaccines may
also confuse attempts at recovering and/or identifying the causative field
strain of IBV (oie).
Diagnostic samples should be collected as soon as clinical signs are observed. Tracheal swabs should be collected from 5-10 birds per affected flock. Additionally, paired serum samples should be collected. Fresh tissue samples should be taken from the lung, kidney, oviduct, and cecal tonsils using aseptic technique. Swabs and tissue samples should be frozen and all samples shipped to the laboratory.
Diagnostic samples should be collected as soon as clinical signs are observed. Tracheal swabs should be collected from 5-10 birds per affected flock. Additionally, paired serum samples should be collected. Fresh tissue samples should be taken from the lung, kidney, oviduct, and cecal tonsils using aseptic technique. Swabs and tissue samples should be frozen and all samples shipped to the laboratory.
In the laboratory, swab tube broth or tissue homogenates are used to inoculate 9 to 11 day old embryonated eggs. After several days, chorioallantoic fluid is harvested and should produce a negative hemagglutination reaction with chicken red blood cells. Curling, stunting and death of embryos can be seen in IBV positive embryos. Confirmation of IBV, and its serotypes, can be performed by various antibody detection methods including: virus neutralization (VN), immunoflourescent antibody assay (IFA), antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (AC-ELISA), and monoclonal antibodies. However, only the VN test and some monoclonal antibodies can distinguish between different serotypes. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and/or sequencing of the S1 gene are commonly used to identify IBV types. The immunoflourescent antibody assay (IFA) or electron microscopy can be used on tracheal samples for rapid diagnosis but those tests do not distinguish between different IBV types.
Identification Test Of The Agent:
For the common respiratory form, IBV is most successfully isolated from tracheal mucosa and lung several days to one week following infection. For other forms of IB, kidney, oviduct, the caecal tonsils of the intestinal tract or proventriculus tissues are better sources of virus depending on the pathogenesis of the disease. Specific pathogen free chicken embryonated eggs or chicken tracheal organ cultures (TOCs) from embryos may be used for virus isolation. Following inoculation of the allantoic cavity, IBV produces embryo stunting, curling, clubbing of the down, or urate deposits in the mesonephros of the kidney, often within three serial passages. Isolation in TOCs has the advantage that IBV produces stasis of the tracheal cilia on initial inoculation. RT-PCR is increasingly being used to identify the spike (S) glycoprotein genotype of IBV field strains. Genotyping using primers specific for the S1 subunit of the S gene or sequencing of the same gene generally provides similar but not always identical findings to HI or VN serotyping. Alternatively, VN or HI tests using specific antiserum may be used to identify the serotype.
Serological Tests:
Commercial ELISA kits may be used for monitoring serum antibody responses. The antigens used in the kits are broadly cross-reactive among serotypes and allow for general serological monitoring of vaccinal responses and field challenges. The HI test is used for identifying serotype-specific responses to vaccination and field challenges especially in young growing chickens. Because of multiple infections and vaccinations, the sera of breeders and layers contain cross-reactive antibodies and the results of HI testing cannot be used with a high degree of confidence (oie).
Sanitary Prophylaxis
Prevention and control in the field is difficult using common sanitary and biosecurity measures because IBV is highly infectious. Good cleaning and disinfection practices, during the downtime period, may help to prevent recurrent infections in problem farms. Farm complexes with multiple ages, such as the ones that have table egg layers, are a common source of infection. In these types of flocks, it is very common to see drops in egg production due to chronic disease.
Medical Prophylaxis
No available medication alters the course of the disease, although antibiotic therapy may reduce mortality due to secondary infections. Sodium salicylate 1gm/litre (acute phase) where permitted - antibiotics to control secondary colibacillosis. During cold weather, increasing the temperature in the poultry house and under the hover by 5–10°F (3–5°C) may lower mortality.
vaccines used for immunization may produce mild respiratory signs. Live vaccines
are initially given to chicks 1–14 days old by spray, drinking water, or eye
drop. Revaccination is common. Live or adjuvanted killed vaccines are sometimes
used in breeders and layers to prevent egg production losses.
Many serotypes are recognized, and a number of new or variant serotypes have been reported, which pose problems in immunization and diagnosis. If possible, selection of vaccine should be based on knowledge of the prevalent serotype(s) on the premises. The most commonly used live vaccines in the USA contain strains of IBV serotypes Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Arkansas. Vaccination with selected variant serotypes is practiced in some areas. Outbreaks with mortality due to nephritis have been associated with several variant strains in Australia and the USA. Infection with standard as well as variant serotypes has been associated with egg production losses in vaccinated layer flocks.
Many serotypes are recognized, and a number of new or variant serotypes have been reported, which pose problems in immunization and diagnosis. If possible, selection of vaccine should be based on knowledge of the prevalent serotype(s) on the premises. The most commonly used live vaccines in the USA contain strains of IBV serotypes Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Arkansas. Vaccination with selected variant serotypes is practiced in some areas. Outbreaks with mortality due to nephritis have been associated with several variant strains in Australia and the USA. Infection with standard as well as variant serotypes has been associated with egg production losses in vaccinated layer flocks.
***By: Giyono Trisnadi, DVM - From many Refferences
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