Chronic respiratory disease (CRD)
adalah salah satu penyakit pernapasan yang paling umum terjadi pada unggas di
Indonesia. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika unggas pada kondisi buruk terinfeksi Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Kemudian diikuti
oleh invasi bakteri sekunder yang menyebabkan kerusakan besar pada unggas
dimaksud. Infeksi Mycoplasma gallisepticum
dikaitkan dengan kejadian serangan yang lambat, terjadi pada ayam, kalkun,
burung permainan /kesayangan, merpati dan burung liar lainnya. Bebek dan angsa
dapat terinfeksi saat dipelihara bersama dengan ayam yang terinfeksi. Pada
kalkun pada kasus ini biasanya mengalami sinusitis yang parah.
Kejadian Penyakit
Kejadian Penyakit
CRD terjadi di seluruh dunia, Kejadian
CRD sangat luas dan hadir di sebagian besar, jika tidak semua, peternakan
komersial, meskipun di beberapa negara infeksi ini kini jarang ditemukan di
unggas komersial. Di sisi lain sebenarnya kejadian CRD meningkat karena banyak burung
dalam sistem produksi yang ekstensif yang terekspos karena burung liar. Pada
burung dewasa, meskipun tingkat infeksi yang tinggi, morbiditas mungkin minimal
dan kematian bervariasi. Pada ayam dan kalkun, menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi
yang paling signifikan dalam peternakan komersial besar, dan juga sering
terlihat dalam kelompok non-komersial.
CRD adalah /atau paling umum disebut "penyakit stres". Mycoplasma gallisepticum mungkin ada dalam jaringan unggas sehat (unggas karier /pembawa) . Wabah yang paling sering terjadi ketika pertahanan tubuh /vitalitas kawanan menurun baik selama masa stres sering disebabkan oleh pindah kandang, dingin, vaksinasi, potong paruh, pengobatan cacing, kurang ventilasi, litter basah dan gas amoniak meningkat atau adanya penyakit lain. Penularan dapat terjadi bahkan dalam kelompok yang tampaknya sangat sehat.
CRD adalah /atau paling umum disebut "penyakit stres". Mycoplasma gallisepticum mungkin ada dalam jaringan unggas sehat (unggas karier /pembawa) . Wabah yang paling sering terjadi ketika pertahanan tubuh /vitalitas kawanan menurun baik selama masa stres sering disebabkan oleh pindah kandang, dingin, vaksinasi, potong paruh, pengobatan cacing, kurang ventilasi, litter basah dan gas amoniak meningkat atau adanya penyakit lain. Penularan dapat terjadi bahkan dalam kelompok yang tampaknya sangat sehat.
Hospes /Inang
Infeksi terjadi pada ayam,
kalkun, juga terjadi pada merpati, burung, ayam hutan, chukar, merak, merpati,
burung puyuh, bebek, angsa, dan burung psittacine. Burung penyanyi umumnya
tahan, meskipun M gallisepticum menyebabkan konjungtivitis pada pipit liar (dan
beberapa spesies yang sama) dan burung liar lainnya.
Penularan vertikal, melalui telur
yang terinfeksi (yolk ), M gallisepticum ditularkan secara vertikal oleh sejumlah
telur (transovarian) dari ternak yang
terinfeksi kepada keturunannya, dan penularan horizontal, menular melalui
aerosol dan melalui kontaminasi pakan,
air, dan lingkungan, dan oleh aktivitas manusia (sepatu, peralatan, dll). Infeksi dapat bersifat laten pada
beberapa burung selama berhari-hari sampai berbulan-bulan, tetapi ketika burung
stress penularan horisontal dapat terjadi dengan cepat melalui aerosol dan rute
pernapasan, setelah infeksi dan penyakit klinis menyebar melalui ternak tersebut.
Penularan dari flok ke flok mudah terjadi melalui kontak langsung maupun tidak
langsung dari gerakan burung , orang, atau ternak terinfeksi ke ternak rentan.
Dalam banyak wabah, sumber infeksi tidak diketahui. Cuaca dingin, kualitas
udara yang jelek atau berdesakan, infeksi bersamaan, dan vaksinasi live virus
dapat memfasilitasi infeksi, penyakit, dan penularan.
Epitel konjungtiva, hidung, sinus, dan trakea adalah organ yang paling rentan terhadap kolonisasi awal infeksi, namun dalam bebeberapa penyakit akut, infeksi juga bisa melibatkan bronkus, kantung udara, dan kadang-kadang paru-paru. Setelah terinfeksi , unggas bisa tetap hidup. Ada interaksi terlihat (penyakit polimikrobial) antara virus pernapasan, Escherichia coli, dan M gallisepticum dalam suatu patogenesis sebagai penyebab keparahan CRD.
Epitel konjungtiva, hidung, sinus, dan trakea adalah organ yang paling rentan terhadap kolonisasi awal infeksi, namun dalam bebeberapa penyakit akut, infeksi juga bisa melibatkan bronkus, kantung udara, dan kadang-kadang paru-paru. Setelah terinfeksi , unggas bisa tetap hidup. Ada interaksi terlihat (penyakit polimikrobial) antara virus pernapasan, Escherichia coli, dan M gallisepticum dalam suatu patogenesis sebagai penyebab keparahan CRD.
Sumber Penyakit
Penularan melalui telur adalah sangat penting karena
merupakan sarana yang melanggengkan penyakit itu sendiri.
Penyakit ini paling sering ditularkan saat burung karier yang terinfeksi dimasukkan dalam flok /kawanan atau orang-orang seperti vaksinator dan penguji darah menularkannya. Risiko besar ketika orang menangani burung sehat setelah sehari sebelumnya menangani burung terinfeksi CRD. Hal ini karena media penularan dapat berupa peralatan, seperti peti, kendaraan dan peralatan vaksinasi.
Penyakit ini paling sering ditularkan saat burung karier yang terinfeksi dimasukkan dalam flok /kawanan atau orang-orang seperti vaksinator dan penguji darah menularkannya. Risiko besar ketika orang menangani burung sehat setelah sehari sebelumnya menangani burung terinfeksi CRD. Hal ini karena media penularan dapat berupa peralatan, seperti peti, kendaraan dan peralatan vaksinasi.
Klasifikasi Agen Penyebab
Penyebab utama CRD adalah
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), termasuk class Mollicutes, ordo Mycoplasmatales,
famili Mycoplasmataceae. MG merupakan organisme prokaryotik terkecil, tidak
mempunyai dinding sel sejati. Sel mikoplasma dikelilingi oleh 3 lapis plasma
membran yang elastis, oleh karena itu mikoplasma resisten terhadap penisilin
dan derivatifnya yang memiliki target pada dinding sel (PUGH, 1991).
Ketahanan Terhadap Tantangan Fisik Dan Kimia
1.Suhu: Sel mycoplasma sangat rentan terhadap suhu udara luar, namun dapat bertahan hidup di luar tubuh ayam 1 hari pada suhu 37 derajad Celcius (C) atau sampai 3 hari pada suhu 20 derajad C.
2. pH: Invitro, pertumbuhan optimal pada media padat diperoleh pada pH 7,8, suhu 37 – 38 derajad C dengan penambahan CO2.
3. Kimia: Resisten terhadap penicillin dan derivatnya yang memnpunyai target pada dinding sel (mycoplasma tidak memiliki dinding sel), tetapi peka terhadap antibiotik lain misalnya Tylosin , aureomycin , Terramycin , gallimycin dll.
4. Desinfektan: Mycoplasma mudah hancur di luar hospes, ketahan hidupnya terbatas beberapa hari atau kurang ketika berada di kandang unggas biasa, tetapi jika terlidungi eksudat atau udara dingin akan tahan dalam waktu yang lama. Mycoplasma peka terhadap oleh sebagian besar desinfektan pada umumnya misalnya formalin fenol dll.
5. Ketahanan hidup: Waktu ketahanan hidup MG di luar hospes (dalam tinja, pada kain dan sebagainya) bervariasi dari 1 sampai 14 hari dan tergantung pada suhu lingkungan dan meterial dimana organisme berada. Oleh karena itu, kebersihan dan desinfeksi yang jelek pada gudang pakan dan barang barang juga dapat menjadi sumber infeksi. Hal penting untuk dicatat bahwa waktu kelangsungan hidup terpanjang teramati adalah pada material telur (dalam cairan alantois: 3 minggu pada suhu 5 ° C, 4 hari dalam inkubator, 6 hari pada suhu kamar, dalam kuning telur: 18 minggu pada 37 ° C atau 6 minggu pada 20 ° C). Oleh karena itu, ceceran telur pecah di inkubator sangat penting dalam menyebarkan infeksi. Hal ini juga menarik untuk dicatat bahwa MG dapat bertahan selama satu sampai dua hari pada rambut manusia dan kulit. Jadi, orang yang bekerja dengan ternak yang terinfeksi juga dapat bertindak sebagai pembawa MG.
Diagnosis harus didasarkan pada
sejarah kawanan, gejala dan lesi. Tes darah berguna dalam menentukan apakah
kawanan terinfeksi. Masa inkubasi penyakiy ini adalah 5 sampai 10 hari.
Gejala Klinis
Penyakit ini ditandai dengan
hilangnya nafsu makan, kekurusan, kusam, depresi, kecenderungan untuk berkumpul
bersama, pernafasan terganggu, angguk ekor saat bernapas, batuk, bersin,
pernapasan mulut terbuka, konjungtivitis, pembengkakan periorbital, unggas
mungkin hidungnya basah, penurunan konsumsi pakan , pertumbuhan lambat dan
kehilangan produksi 20 sampai 30 persen pada ayam petelur. Penyakit ini
menyebar perlahan melalui kawanan dengan siklus terus-menerus reinfeksi,
sehingga penyakit tidak pernah hilang dengan sendirinya, dan meningkatkan angka
Lesi post mortem: Radang kantung
udara, pericarditis, perihepatitis (terutama karena infeks sekunderi E. Coli),
peradangan catarrhal dari hidung, sinus, trakea dan bronkus, kadang arthritis,
tenosynovitis (infeksi dan inflamasi tendon dan pembungkusnya) dan salpingitis (infeksi dan inflamasi di tuba
fallopii) pada ayam.
Diagnosa Banding
Diagnosa Banding
- Coryza.
- Infectious bronchitis.
- Infectious laryngotracheitis.
- Fowl cholera.
Diagnosa Laboratorium
Swab harus dikumpulkan dari organ
yang terkena, jaringan dan eksudat untuk kultur Mycoplasma, sampel dapat
diambil dari unggas hidup, hewan mati atau bangkai beku segera setelah
kematian. Hanya ada angka keberhasilan yang kecil dalam mengisolasi M gallisepticum
dari bangkai burung. Pada unggas hidup dan burung lainnya, swab dapat diambil
dari kloaka, orofaring, esofagus dan trakea. Pada sampel nekropsi dapat dikoleksi
dari kantung udara, trakea, rongga hidung dan sinus infra orbital atau rongga
sendi. Sampel dapat diculture dari sel embryo ayam mati, sel rusak tidak
menetas, dan telur berembrio, Sampel dapat diangkut dalam Mycoplasma broth atau
dengan es pack, sampel yang sama dapat digunakan untuk PCR, Suatu kit komersial
menggunakan bahan tersebut langsung
diambil dari ekstrak swab, sampel serum harus dikumpulkan dari kawanan untuk
tes serologi.
Identifikasi Agen Penyakit:
Identifikasi Agen Penyakit:
Isolasi dan identifikasi
organisme. Culture memerlukan inokulasi pada embrio bebas Mycoplasma atau,
lebih umum pada Mycoplasma broth diikuti dengan penanaman pada agar
Mycoplasma. Koloni tersangka dapat diidentifikasi dengan immuno-flourescence. Sel
dapat diwarnai dengan pewarnaan Giemsa atau Gram. Bentuk koloni pada media agar
seperti telur mata sapi dengan ukuran 0,1 – 1,0 cm, bulat, permukaan halus dan
di tengahnya ada bagian yang padat dan menonjol yang disebut bleb (TAJIMA et
al., 1979; 1982). Mycoplasma gallisepticum berukuran 0,25-0,50 mikron berbentuk
pleomorfik, kokoid Dan tidak mempunyai Dinding sel sejati. Pemeriksaan dengan PCR
diperlukan jika ini sangat mendesak untuk menentukan status peternakan.
Tes Serologis:
Tes Serologis:
Aglutinasi serum adalah tes
skrining standar, reaksi tersangka diperiksa lebih lanjut oleh inaktivasi panas
/dan atau pengenceran. Elisa diterima sebagai tes skrining utama di beberapa
negara. Tes HI umumnya dapat digunakan sebagai tes konfirmasi. Kawanan tersangka
harus di re-sampel setelah 2-3 minggu. Beberapa vaksin dilemahkan untuk
penyakit lain mengakibatkan 'positif palsu' dalam tes darah untuk 3-8 minggu.
Pencegahan Dengan Sanitasi
dengan unggas yang bersih dari MG, dimulai dengan burung bebas dari MG, dan menjaga flock dari MG
dengan biosekuriti yang baik, adalah rencana terbaik; Sanitasi yang baik, Jaga
kebersihan air minum /tempat air minum dan tempat pakan, saluran pembuangan
harus baik dan genangan air harus dihilangkan; Sederhana adalah yang terbaik
(simple is best), semakin bervariasi unggas dari berbagai usia, ras, dan jenis
yang ada di peternakan semakin besar risiko adanya infeksi. Tetap bersih (keep
it clean): Jangan biarkan burung liar masuk, atau unggas baru tanpa diketahui (tanpa diuji) latar belakangnya membawa MG ke
flock. Pasang net di kandang bagian atas
untuk menjaga burung liar; Karantina, Batasi dan kontrol orang keuar masuk kandang, sediakan buku
log book sebagai catatan siapa saja yang keluar masuk kandang untuk merekam
kedatangan pengunjung, semua petugas dilarang berkunjung ke peternakan lain , siapkan
sepatu kandang dan baju kandang bagi pengunjung yang terpaksa harus masuk
Pencegahan dan pengobatan secara medis
Pengobatan CRD tidak
dianggap memuaskan, banyak antibiotik telah digunakan dengan berbagai
keberhasilan. Memberikan perlakuan adalah keputusan harus dibuat pada setiap
kawanan berdasarkan pertimbangan ekonomi. Jika pengobatan dilakukan, gunakan salah
satu antibiotik spektrum luas (Tylosin , aureomycin, Terramycin, gallimycin) tingkat tinggi baik dalam pakan, air minum atau suntikan. Sinusitis “infeksi
atas” dapat diobati dengan sukses dengan menyuntikkan antibiotik ke dalam
rongga sinus yang membengkak. Pullets yang terisolasi dapat divaksinasi untuk
mencegah infeksi Mycoplasma gallisepticum.
*** Penulis: drh. Giyono Trisnadi – Dari berbagai sumber.
English Version
Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) is one of the most common respiratory diseases occurring in poultry in Indonesia. The disease occurs when birds infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum are stressed. The subsequent invasion by secondary bacteria causes the major damage to the bird. Infection with Mycoplasma gallisepticum is associated with slow onset, chronic respiratory disease in chickens, turkeys, game birds, pigeons and other wild birds. Ducks and geese can become infected when held with infected chickens. In turkeys it is most associated with severe sinusitis (see separate description in the turkey section)
The condition occurs worldwide, though in some countries this infection is now rare in commercial poultry. In others it is actually increasing because of more birds in extensive production systems that expose them more to wild birds. In adult birds, though infection rates are high, morbidity may be minimal and mortality varies. In chickens and turkeys, causing the most significant economic losses in large commercial operations, and are commonly seen in noncommercial flocks. Very widespread and present in most, if not all, commercial flocks. Each batch of new pullets will become infected.
CRD is the most prevalent of the so-called 'stress diseases'. Mycoplasma gallisepticum may be present in the tissues of healthy birds (carrier birds). Outbreaks occur most frequently when the flock's vitality is lowered either during times of stress - often caused by moving, chilling, vaccinating, beak trimming, worming, poor ventilation, damp litter and ammonia build-up - or in the presence of other diseases. Transmission may occur even in flocks that appear to be perfectly healthy.
Infection occur in chicken, turkey, also occurs in pigeon, pheasants, chukar partridges, peafowl, pigeons, quail, ducks, geese, and psittacine birds. Songbirds are generally resistant, although M gallisepticum causes conjunctivitis in wild house finches (and some similar species) and other wild bird.
The condition occurs worldwide, though in some countries this infection is now rare in commercial poultry. In others it is actually increasing because of more birds in extensive production systems that expose them more to wild birds. In adult birds, though infection rates are high, morbidity may be minimal and mortality varies. In chickens and turkeys, causing the most significant economic losses in large commercial operations, and are commonly seen in noncommercial flocks. Very widespread and present in most, if not all, commercial flocks. Each batch of new pullets will become infected.
CRD is the most prevalent of the so-called 'stress diseases'. Mycoplasma gallisepticum may be present in the tissues of healthy birds (carrier birds). Outbreaks occur most frequently when the flock's vitality is lowered either during times of stress - often caused by moving, chilling, vaccinating, beak trimming, worming, poor ventilation, damp litter and ammonia build-up - or in the presence of other diseases. Transmission may occur even in flocks that appear to be perfectly healthy.
Infection occur in chicken, turkey, also occurs in pigeon, pheasants, chukar partridges, peafowl, pigeons, quail, ducks, geese, and psittacine birds. Songbirds are generally resistant, although M gallisepticum causes conjunctivitis in wild house finches (and some similar species) and other wild bird.
transmission through infected eggs (yolk), M gallisepticum is transmitted
vertically within some eggs (transovarian) from infected breeders to progeny,
and horizontally transmission is via infectious aerosols and through
contamination of feed, water, and the environment, and by human activity on
fomites (shoes, equipment, etc). Infection may be latent in some birds for days
to months, but when birds are stressed horizontal transmission may occur
rapidly via aerosols and the respiratory route, after which infection and
clinical disease spread through the flock. Flock-to-flock transmission occurs
readily by direct or indirect contact from the movement of birds, people, or
fomites from infected to susceptible flocks. In many outbreaks, the source of
infection is unknown. Cold weather, poor air quality or crowding, concurrent
infections, and some live virus vaccinations may facilitate infection, disease,
and transmission.
Epithelium of the conjunctiva, nasal passages, sinuses, and trachea are most susceptible to initial colonization and infection; however, in severe, acute disease, infection may also involve the bronchi, air sacs, and occasionally lungs. Once infected, birds may remain carriers for life. There is a marked interaction (polymicrobial disease) between respiratory viruses, Escherichia coli, and M gallisepticum in the pathogenesis and severity of chronic respiratory disease.
Sources of agent
Egg transmission is very important as it is the means by which the disease perpetuates itself.
The disease is transferred most often when infected carrier birds are introduced to the flock or people such as service personnel, vaccinators and blood testers transport it. The risk is great when people handle CRD-free birds the day after handling CRD-infected birds. It can also be transferred on equipment, such as crates, vehicles and vaccinating equipment.
Classification Of The Causative Agent
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) the causal agent of CRD, the class is Mollicutes, order Mycoplasmatales, family Mycoplasmataceae. MG is prokaryotik smallest organisms, has no real walls. Mycoplasma cell is surrounded by a 3-layer elastic plasma membrane, therefore mycoplasma resistant to penicillin and its derivatives which have a target on the cell wall (Pugh, 1991).
Resistance To Physical And Chemical Action
1. Temperature: mycoplasma cells are very susceptible to outside air temperature, but it can survive outside of the body of the chicken 1 day at 37 degrees Celsius (C) or up to 3 days at a temperature of 20 degrees C.
2. pH: Invitro, optimal growth in solid media obtained at pH 7.8, temperature 37 degree C - 38 degree C with the addition of CO2.
3. Chemical: resistant to penicilin and derivat wich has target at cell wall (mycoplasma do not have cell wall), but sensitive to other antibiotics such as Tylosin, aureomycin, Terramycin, garamycin etc.
4. Disinfectants: Mycoplasma is fragile outside the host, its survival maybe limited to a few days or less when exposed under usual poultry house conditions , but if protected by exudates and or cold may survive for long time. It is affected by most disinfectants e.g phenol formalin , quaternary ammonium compounds.
5. Survival: The survival time for MG outside the host (in faeces, on cloth and so on) varies from 1 to 14 days and depends upon the ambient temperature and the materials on which the organism resides (98). Therefore, poorly cleaned and disinfected barns or materials can also be sources of infection. It is important to mention that the longest survival time was observed in egg materials (in allantoic fluid: 3 weeks at 5°C, 4 days in the incubator, 6 days at room temperature; in egg yolk: 18 weeks at 37°C or 6 weeks at 20°C). Therefore, egg debris in incubators is essential in spreading infection. It is also interesting to note that MG can survive for one to two days on human hair and skin. So, people working with infected flocks can also act as MG carriers. Mycoplasma also in aktive by sun light.
Diagnosis of either condition must be based on flock history, symptoms and lesions. Blood tests are useful in determining whether a flock is infected. Incubation is 5 to 10 days.
The disease is characterized by loss of appetite, dullness, depression, tendency to huddle together, coughing, tail bobbing when breathing, emaciation, respiratory rales, sneezing, open mouth breathing, conjunctivitis, periorbital swelling, Birds may have wet noses, decreased feed consumption, retarded growth (in growing birds) and a production loss of 20 to 30 per cent in hens. The disease spreads slowly through the flock with a continual cycle of reinfection, so the disease never disappears by itself, and increase in mortality.
Post-mortem lesions: Airsacculitis; Pericarditis; Perihepatitis (especially with secondary E. coli infection); Catarrhal inflammation of nasal passages, sinuses, trachea and bronchi; Occasionally arthritis, tenosynovitis and salpingitis in chickens.
Differential Diagnosis
Epithelium of the conjunctiva, nasal passages, sinuses, and trachea are most susceptible to initial colonization and infection; however, in severe, acute disease, infection may also involve the bronchi, air sacs, and occasionally lungs. Once infected, birds may remain carriers for life. There is a marked interaction (polymicrobial disease) between respiratory viruses, Escherichia coli, and M gallisepticum in the pathogenesis and severity of chronic respiratory disease.
Sources of agent
Egg transmission is very important as it is the means by which the disease perpetuates itself.
The disease is transferred most often when infected carrier birds are introduced to the flock or people such as service personnel, vaccinators and blood testers transport it. The risk is great when people handle CRD-free birds the day after handling CRD-infected birds. It can also be transferred on equipment, such as crates, vehicles and vaccinating equipment.
Classification Of The Causative Agent
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) the causal agent of CRD, the class is Mollicutes, order Mycoplasmatales, family Mycoplasmataceae. MG is prokaryotik smallest organisms, has no real walls. Mycoplasma cell is surrounded by a 3-layer elastic plasma membrane, therefore mycoplasma resistant to penicillin and its derivatives which have a target on the cell wall (Pugh, 1991).
Resistance To Physical And Chemical Action
1. Temperature: mycoplasma cells are very susceptible to outside air temperature, but it can survive outside of the body of the chicken 1 day at 37 degrees Celsius (C) or up to 3 days at a temperature of 20 degrees C.
2. pH: Invitro, optimal growth in solid media obtained at pH 7.8, temperature 37 degree C - 38 degree C with the addition of CO2.
3. Chemical: resistant to penicilin and derivat wich has target at cell wall (mycoplasma do not have cell wall), but sensitive to other antibiotics such as Tylosin, aureomycin, Terramycin, garamycin etc.
4. Disinfectants: Mycoplasma is fragile outside the host, its survival maybe limited to a few days or less when exposed under usual poultry house conditions , but if protected by exudates and or cold may survive for long time. It is affected by most disinfectants e.g phenol formalin , quaternary ammonium compounds.
5. Survival: The survival time for MG outside the host (in faeces, on cloth and so on) varies from 1 to 14 days and depends upon the ambient temperature and the materials on which the organism resides (98). Therefore, poorly cleaned and disinfected barns or materials can also be sources of infection. It is important to mention that the longest survival time was observed in egg materials (in allantoic fluid: 3 weeks at 5°C, 4 days in the incubator, 6 days at room temperature; in egg yolk: 18 weeks at 37°C or 6 weeks at 20°C). Therefore, egg debris in incubators is essential in spreading infection. It is also interesting to note that MG can survive for one to two days on human hair and skin. So, people working with infected flocks can also act as MG carriers. Mycoplasma also in aktive by sun light.
Diagnosis of either condition must be based on flock history, symptoms and lesions. Blood tests are useful in determining whether a flock is infected. Incubation is 5 to 10 days.
The disease is characterized by loss of appetite, dullness, depression, tendency to huddle together, coughing, tail bobbing when breathing, emaciation, respiratory rales, sneezing, open mouth breathing, conjunctivitis, periorbital swelling, Birds may have wet noses, decreased feed consumption, retarded growth (in growing birds) and a production loss of 20 to 30 per cent in hens. The disease spreads slowly through the flock with a continual cycle of reinfection, so the disease never disappears by itself, and increase in mortality.
Post-mortem lesions: Airsacculitis; Pericarditis; Perihepatitis (especially with secondary E. coli infection); Catarrhal inflammation of nasal passages, sinuses, trachea and bronchi; Occasionally arthritis, tenosynovitis and salpingitis in chickens.
Differential Diagnosis
- Coryza.
- Infectious bronchitis.
- Infectious laryngotracheitis.
- Fowl cholera.
Swab should be collected from affected organ, tissues and exudates for Mycoplasma culture; Sample can be taken from live bird, recurly dead animal or carcases frozen soon after death. There has been only limited succes isolating M gallisepticum from the frozen carcases of houses finches. In live poultry and other bird, swab can be taken from the cloacal cleft, oropharynx, esophagus, trachea. At necropsy sample can be collacted from the air sacs, trachea, nasal cavity and infra orbital sinus or joint cavities; Sample can be culture from dead in shell embryonated chickens or poultry that have broken the shell to hatch, and embryonated egg; Sample can be transported in mycoplasma broth or with ice pack; Similar sample can be used for pcr; One comercial kit uses the material directly extracted from swab; Serum sample should be collected from flock to serology.
Identification Test Of The Agent:
Isolation and identification of the organism, culture requires inoculation in mycoplasma-free embryos or, more commonly in Mycoplasma Broth Followed by planting out on Mycoplasma Agar. Suspect colonies may be identified by immuno-flourescence. Cells can be stained by Giemsa or Gram staining. Form of colonies on agar broth such as egg size from 0.1 to 1.0 cm, round, smooth surface and in the middle there is a section that solid and prominent called bleb (TAJIMA et al., 1979; 1982). Mycoplasma gallisepticum sized is from 0.25 to 0.50 micron pleomorphic shape, kokoid and do not have a true cell wall. PCR is possible if it is urgent to Determine the status of the flock.
Serological Tests:
Serum agglutination is the standard screening test, suspect reactions are examined further by heat inactivation and/or dilution. Elisa is accepted as the primary screening test in some countries. HI may be used, generally as a confirmatory test. Suspect flocks should be re-sampled after 2-3 weeks. Some inactivated vaccines for other diseases induce 'false positives' in serological testing for 3-8 weeks.
Sanitary Prophylaxis
Start with clean birds is one of the best resources to protect your poultry investment. Starting with MG-free birds, and keeping MG out of your flock with good biosecurity, is by far the best plan; Good sanitation, Keep drinking water/drinkers and feeders clean. Outside runs should be on well drained soil and water puddles should be removed; Simple is best, The more birds of different ages, breeds, and types are on the farm, the greater the risk of infection; Keep it clean, Don’t let wild birds, or new birds of unknown (untested) background, bring MG into your flock. Net the top of coops to keep wild birds out; keep feeders contained and think carefully before you chose to do “free range” for your flock; Quarantine, Stop and control personal enter and out of the poultry farm, provide log book as a record of anyone who is enter and out of the cage to record the arrival of visitors, all officers are prohibited from visiting to other farms, prepare shoes, dress for visitors who enter the cage.
Medical Prophylaxis
Swab should be collected from affected organ, tissues and exudates for Mycoplasma culture; Sample can be taken from live bird, recurly dead animal or carcases frozen soon after death. There has been only limited succes isolating M gallisepticum from the frozen carcases of houses finches. In live poultry and other bird, swab can be taken from the cloacal cleft, oropharynx, esophagus, trachea. At necropsy sample can be collacted from the air sacs, trachea, nasal cavity and infra orbital sinus or joint cavities; Sample can be culture from dead in shell embryonated chickens or poultry that have broken the shell to hatch, and embryonated egg; Sample can be transported in mycoplasma broth or with ice pack; Similar sample can be used for pcr; One comercial kit uses the material directly extracted from swab; Serum sample should be collected from flock to serology.
Identification Test Of The Agent:
Isolation and identification of the organism, culture requires inoculation in mycoplasma-free embryos or, more commonly in Mycoplasma Broth Followed by planting out on Mycoplasma Agar. Suspect colonies may be identified by immuno-flourescence. Cells can be stained by Giemsa or Gram staining. Form of colonies on agar broth such as egg size from 0.1 to 1.0 cm, round, smooth surface and in the middle there is a section that solid and prominent called bleb (TAJIMA et al., 1979; 1982). Mycoplasma gallisepticum sized is from 0.25 to 0.50 micron pleomorphic shape, kokoid and do not have a true cell wall. PCR is possible if it is urgent to Determine the status of the flock.
Serological Tests:
Serum agglutination is the standard screening test, suspect reactions are examined further by heat inactivation and/or dilution. Elisa is accepted as the primary screening test in some countries. HI may be used, generally as a confirmatory test. Suspect flocks should be re-sampled after 2-3 weeks. Some inactivated vaccines for other diseases induce 'false positives' in serological testing for 3-8 weeks.
Sanitary Prophylaxis
Start with clean birds is one of the best resources to protect your poultry investment. Starting with MG-free birds, and keeping MG out of your flock with good biosecurity, is by far the best plan; Good sanitation, Keep drinking water/drinkers and feeders clean. Outside runs should be on well drained soil and water puddles should be removed; Simple is best, The more birds of different ages, breeds, and types are on the farm, the greater the risk of infection; Keep it clean, Don’t let wild birds, or new birds of unknown (untested) background, bring MG into your flock. Net the top of coops to keep wild birds out; keep feeders contained and think carefully before you chose to do “free range” for your flock; Quarantine, Stop and control personal enter and out of the poultry farm, provide log book as a record of anyone who is enter and out of the cage to record the arrival of visitors, all officers are prohibited from visiting to other farms, prepare shoes, dress for visitors who enter the cage.
Medical Prophylaxis
The treatment of CRD is not considered satisfactory. Many antibiotics have been
used with varying success. Whether to give treatment is a decision that must be
made on each flock based on economic factors. If treatment is attempted, give
high levels of one of the broad spectrum antibiotics (Tylosin, aureomycin,
terramycin, gallimycin) either in feed, drinking water or by injections. The
"upper"; form of infectious sinusitis can be treated with success by
injecting antibiotics into the swollen sinus cavity. Pullets reared in
isolation can be vaccinated to prevent an infection of Mycoplasma
*** Created by Giyono Trisnadi, DVM
– From many referrences
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